Cranial Facial Release Technique

Unlock the healing potential of Cranial Facial Release


What is Cranial Facial Release (CFR)?

Cranial Facial Release (CFR) is a non-invasive technique that achieves a cranial adjustment for fixated bones. It helps to relieve pressure on the brain and opens the sinus passages for better oxygen intake. 

The procedure has proved its efficacy in treating many respiratory, neurological, and structural issues related to the skull and brain. 

Currently, there are 275 qualified CFR practitioners in United States of America. Dr. Shin is the ONLY certified practitioner for Cranial Facial Release in the state of Kansas

Understanding the Physiology of the Skull 

As you breathe, each one of the 22 bones of the skull moves with the purpose of pumping cerebrospinal fluid throughout the brain and spinal cord. Whiplash, sports accidents, or bumps to the head or face can do damage to the skull causing bones to become fixated. 

When this happens, cerebrospinal fluid is unable to flow normally, and improper cranial movements can cause abnormal pressure to be applied to the brain. Many disorders and conditions can be traced to fixated bones, and a skull adjustment may be necessary to correct this. 


How it Works?

A tiny balloon is strategically and safely placed inside the nasopharynx and inflated. Lasting only a few seconds, it provides an “adjustment” for the sphenoid bone that promotes proper cranial movement. You will feel pressure that may be likened to jumping into a swimming pool and getting water up your nose. Side effects are minimal and can include nose bleeding, sinus drainage, and irritation to the nose or throat. An alternative to surgery and medication, the CFR technique is an affordable and quick procedure with patients seeing results after the first treatment. 


 What Can CFR Help with? 

  • Concussion-related problems 

  • Migraine 

  • Respiratory problems 

  • Sinusitis 

  • Tinnitus 

  • Sleep apnea 

  • Previous head or face trauma 

  • TMJ 

  • Deviated nasal septum. 

  • Various neurological disorders