Get Yourself Ready Before Treatment


Before your first visit, please check the list below and prepare for your treatment! Our treatment typically includes a combination of Acupuncture and Chiropractic Treatment. Following these recommendations will ensure the best experience for you!

1. Set Aside Time Before and After Your Appointment

Make sure that when you are scheduling your acupuncture appointment that you are not engaged in too stressful an activity before or afterward. In addition, do not overbook yourself on the day of your appointment, as you want to be relaxed during the actual treatment.

2. Bring a List of All Your Current Medications and Supplements

As a precaution, it is important to bring a list of all your current medications and supplements, particularly if herbs are a component of your treatment. This is because there are certain herb-drug interactions that can have harmful effects. MAOI’s or blood thinning medications, including Warfarin, may fall into this category.

3. Eat an Appropriate Amount Before Your Appointment

Another rule to follow is to eat before your appointment. Most experts recommend that you eat something approximately two hours prior to your treatment. Make sure this isn’t a large meal, as this may cause you to feel uncomfortable during your appointment. The other extreme (not eating anything) should be avoided as well. You risk feeling lightheaded if you go to your appointment on an empty stomach.

4. Opt for Loose-Fitting, Comfortable Clothing

It is also important to wear loose-fitting clothes on the day of your appointment. This will make it easier for the provider to place the acupuncture needles in the right place, and it will be more comfortable for your treatment in general.

5. Avoid Caffeine Before Your Appointment

We recommend that you do not drink coffee for at least two hours before your treatment. Because it is a stimulant, coffee increases your body’s fight-or-flight response, something which acupuncture seeks to lessen.

See You Soon At Your Next Visit!